Sunday, January 14, 2007

Unexpected Patriots Pride - Brainwashing Complete


The New England Patriots handed it to the San Diego Chargers today. As if I care?

Surprisingly, I do.

What the hell's happening to me? I think I like football. I must be sick.

My newfound fondness for football is strange indeed. Normally I scoff at a sport that encourages hulking men to toss each other around like rag dolls, often for salaries large enough to crack the global warming crisis.

My amped Pats fan sons eagerly watched their helmeted heroes storm the field on TV while their daddy watched them in-person from the nosebleeds at Qualcomm Stadium, just two hours South of us in San Diego.

I've been brainwashed. I admit it. I even like my kids liking football. They must be slipping something into my Starbucks.

If you can't beat 'em, well ... you know the rest.

No energy to make this post remotely interesting or decently written. I was out until 3 a.m. at my friend's birthday party in the Hollywood Hills. I hadn't seen her since we worked together as Internet news producers nearly 10 years ago. Her party deserves its own detailed post. The international crowd alone made the trip worth it. So many languages being spoken at once, all in one room ...

Until tomorrow ...

Ps. The spitter didn't spit or hit today. He was an angel. Chalk it up to the three-hour nap anomaly.


At 7:08 AM, Blogger Iris said...

Nothing like broadening ones horizons!! I love Football, but CFL..... I am Canadian, after all. And nothing better than Grey Cup day for us. Hockey is good too, but haven't watched it much this year. It was something that my ex and I used to do together.

Come by and check out what sport I got into!

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Pendullum said...

What a joyous picture... and it sounds like great family memories are to be had with football...

At 4:12 PM, Blogger BigDaddyGonzoVents said...

Don't worry about the fact that you think you might be liking football. The playooffs and Superbowl are almost like having Stockholm Syndrome. Only you are sympathizing with your T.V captors. As soon as the new season starts you really couldn't give a rats tail. Unless you are a die hard from birth Pats fan.


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