Monday, February 12, 2007

Over-booked and Over-Tired (5 is the New 30)

As if you could stomach another depressing case of KGOY (Kids Getting Older Younger) ...

Suck it up, brave mamas, as I bring you yet more proof that today's children are no longer allowed to simply be children, wild and free with UNSTRUCTURED time to burn exploring the world around them.

My startling KGOY update arrived today during a real, true conversation I had a couple of hours ago at my son's Jr. NBA basketball practice:

Smolderingly Gorgeous Lebanese Dad: "Yeah, it's nice to meet you, Kim. Your son might be the next Kobe."

Me: "Likewise."

Smolderingly Gorgeous Lebanese Dad: "See you at practice next week."

Me: "Great."

Smolderingly Gorgeous Lebanese Dad: "Wait. I think we have a scheduling conflict next week. We'll have to figure it out. I think Rayne's double-booked."

Me: "What?! Double-booked?"

Smolderingly Gorgeous Lebanese Dad: "Let's see. Rayne's schedule is so busy, so confusing these days."

Smolderinly Gorgeous Lebanese Dad whips out his Palm Pilot for instant access to his uber five-year-old's double-triple-quadruple crammed extracurricular schedule.

I cannot believe what I'm seeing. Is that his kid's Palm Pilot or his?

I pull myself together and pick my eyes up off the high gloss planks of the basketball court, where our sons are spastically wrestling each other on their backs for control of the ball. Cheaters. Well, they are only five after all.

Gorgeous Lebanese Dad: "That's right. I remember now. Hmmm... Yes, Rayne has Jr. NBA on Mondays and Wednesdays, piano lessons on Tuesdays, gymnastics at this great place in Huntington Beach on Thursdays and ice hockey on Fridays. Oh, and preschool five days a week. But I think I booked a golf lesson for him during practice this coming Wednesday. What was I thinking?"

Is he serious? Does he really need a Palm Pilot to keep track of his son's over-booked, over-scheduled five-year-old world?

I won't get a chance to find out any time soon, a chance to corner Gorgeous Lebanese Dad for the answers to my burning RGOY (Rayne Getting Older Younger) questions.

Gorgeous Lebanese Dad said if his son does squeeze basketball practice in Wednesday, he won't be the one bringing him. I'll just have to ask Rayne's nanny/chauffeur.

Here's a solid article on the topic of today's over-booked children. Check it out, that is, if you have time.

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At 7:19 AM, Blogger OhTheJoys said...

I admit, I have to put our "family" activities in my Microsoft Outlook calendar... because I can't remember anything.

At 7:35 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

I use a calendar, but we have six girls. If I had to rely on my memory, we'd all be screwed.

That said, the girls are not in very many activities at all. Lack of money, transportation and time is a main culprit of that. I know of one family that has something going every day of the week. The kids look exhausted and are not doing so hot in school either. A couple are fine in my book, but too much, I think, burns them out!

At 10:15 AM, Blogger mad muthas said...

hah! the programme is on this very topic tonight - slaves to the schedule. if you don't mind i'd like to put a link to this from the post i'm about to do? (on glove box catering)

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Liv said...

whew! I too admit to having the kids' schedules in my iCal which, OF COURSE, syncs with my iPod and my i-nsanity.

But, before you berate me for the overbooking, take a moment to note how sad it is that custodial weekends have to be penciled in as well. It's only the glossy, supercute electronic accessories that take my mind off not having my kids around as much.

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Em said...

Okay, I feel sad for Rayne. Poor kid has no chance to be a kid! Yes, like Liv, I keep a family calendar on iCal, but my entire family of five is less busy than Rayne! And we work hard to keep it that way!

At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i mentioned this at mad muthas, but i remember something in the summer about how children were actually losing the ability to freely play, and that this type of cognitive activity is vital for our kids (to be kids).

all that said, i think i might dream of gorgeous lebanese dad tonight.

At 11:38 PM, Blogger Awesome Mom said...

I hope I never let my kids get to that point. If I do, I hope my husband will knock some sense into me.

At 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I hope I never let my kid get to that point either.

Only reason I would is to ogle Sexy Lebanese Dad.

At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This kind of behaviour is so easy to slip into in London where getting into the 'right' school is so important (actually it's the same in any metropolis!). You want your kid to be accomplished so he can 'beat' off the competition, which is simply terrible.

Poor Rayne!

At 3:01 PM, Blogger ewe are here said...

I keep a calendar, but primarily so my husband know's what's going on... It's nowhere near as horrible as that poor kid's overbooked life!


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