Thursday, May 17, 2007

Staying the Antibiotic Course

Not much news to report on the swollen cesspool wound front today. The Hubster still looks like he tried to feed a tiger by strapping a raw T-bone steak to his left ankle.

The kids are wild, crazy and surprisingly positive, with only one exception: The Lawyer asked me last night if a Staph infection "could kill Daddy?" I suppose a question like that could be considered more curious and suspicious than negative. After tucking The Lawyer's outer space comforter around his (healthy) feet, I answered: "No. Dad's going to be just fine. He just needs a lot of love, rest and medicine."

What I was thinking: "Technically speaking, well ... Oh, and he could lose a limb ... " and a number of other worst case scenarios that reflexively burp to the surface in my perpetually negative thinking mind.

Think positive (whatever that is), think positive.

I forgot to give an update on The Lawyer's health yesterday. His pediatrician looked him over on Tuesday. Other than minor road rash on his back, shoulders and knees, he's fine. Since the appointment was also his regularly scheduled six-year appointed (uh, super late, though ... he turned six Feb. 15), the doctor sized up his height and weight. He's a bit underweight like I was at that lanky age and he's average height. I'm still surprised at how small and average in size my children are. I'm 5' 8" and my husband's 6' 2", so what gives (and why do I care)? Does anyone else out there take those irritating growth charts and stats as (unnecessarily) seriously as I do?

Well, I'm off to do my Thursday two-school shuffle ... First I pick up Cheeks from preschool, next I zip downtown while shoving a random form of crunchy carbs in my face (and tossing some backwards to Pigtails in her car seat) to grab The Lawyer. He'll be "stoked," as he would say, to see his wounded Papa alive and mostly well. Oh, I forgot I'm stopping at a third school to pick up a friend whose kindly pitching in with the kids and chores this weekend.

Tomorrow I wrangle mean bitchface cat, Trixie, and her litter trio, into a kitty carrier I scooped up from a yard sale today. I hope I don't sustain any open wounds from strong arm-ing her furry feline ass. I don't want to catch The Hubster's nasty infection.

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At 2:34 PM, Blogger Heather said...

I'm surprisingly obsessed with the stats for some reason too. Maybe because I'm constantly freaked out at the gargantuan status of my kids when I'm only 5'4 and Brian is 5'9. Why do I have a two-year old that is 38"? Do they have metabolic diseases? Hmm, maybe I should learn to think positive also.

At 3:37 PM, Blogger Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

Yes, growth charts are annoying. I don't take them seriously. They are seriously outdated and not applicable to all populations.

At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, the growth chart says LA Toddler will be 5'4" and I'm 6'3" and mom is 5'9". Ha.

Tell the hubster I feel his pain. The bike wreck in November was so not fun. But at least I did go to the doctor. The next day. Men are weird.

At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have to 'fess up... I am obsessed by growth charts too!

I am 5'2", Mark is 5'8", 16yo daughter is 5'3", and I just hope that my younger sons get to at least 5'8" by adulthood! (Taller than that would be better of couse... but why I ask myself!!)

At 8:24 AM, Blogger karrie said...

Yikes! What a nasty wound.

Our son is a shockingly average sized--a little tall for his age, but not much--considering I'm 6ft and my husband is 6 ft 6.

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Em said...

If it is possible to make a serious infection sound even worse...and more funny...than it really is, I think you've nailed it!

I hope he heals quickly!!

At 9:03 PM, Blogger Heather@To Sow a Seed said...

Supposedly my boys will both be above six feet, with my dd hanging around the 5'10" arena. I sure hope she can afford better jeans than I can!

At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Mom had broken her ankle and wrist. She got a Staph Infection in her ankle. Her leg turned black up to her knee. She had to go into a Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber for it to heal. She had to get over being Claustrophobic. Other treatments were not working so this is the treatment she had and it healed her.
Hope Your Husband has a quick recovery.



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