Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Insane in the Meme Brain - You Never Forget Your First Time (Being "It")

One weird thing about me (of far too many): Mystery powder dusted, scratchy Trident gum wrappers give me goosebumps all over. I can't even touch such nasty little scourges of the gum world. The minty-bunk-stink of Trident flavors of any kind repulse me. I'd rather change a blowout diaper than have to hold my child's empty, crumpled up Trident gum wrapper. Chalk, well, I hate the feel of chalk too.

One Christmas preference fact about me: Yes, I hang mistletoe. Fake, plastic, Kmart special mistletoe, that is. On a plum colored ribbon, to be exact. I just attached it today to a garish 70s era frosted yellow glass lighting fixture in my front door hallway. My kids avoid me like the plague in the hours after I hang the faux mistletoe because I stake it out nearly all day whenever I can to snatch up all their boogery kisses. They're cold/flu sick now, remember?

Today I'm (soon to be) "Christmas and "weird things" meme insane! It's (finally) my turn. The two facts above are my little teasers, as if my likes/dislikes unveiled on memes deserve teasers.

Back-to-back tags for memes finally came my "comments" way yesterday, though not at all incidentally. I practically begged Ewe Are Here, "an American living in the United Kingdom," to tag me with her festive Christmas meme. I suppose that makes me a promiscuous blogger of sorts. Meme ho, that's me.

I gladly scoop up any chance I can come by to defend the thickness and nutmeg-y flavor of eggnog, all you 'nog "detesting" playa hatas. Give chicken embryos doused in whole milk and brandy a fighting chance, would ya, please?


At Your Cervix (brilliant screen name for a labor and delivery nurse, BTW) tagged me with a fun "Six Weird Things" meme about an hour and a half after Ewe Are Here tagged me. Don't I feel doubly special?! Believe me, it'll be a challenge to limit myself to only six weird things/bizarre quirks/unique idiosyncrasies about myself, but I'll try my best to squeeze, smash and condense while tapering my list down to only six freakish items. Can you tell I'm looking forward to major meme action a tad too much?

So where the hell are these two memes I've lauded so much in this post, you ask? I hope to finish by tonight somewhere between taking my two sons who are home sick from school today to the pediatrician and an evening run I've been putting off one double-fudge brownie at a time since last week.

When I started blogging as a newbie back in September, I had no clue what a meme was. Images of white-gloved and white-faced (paint) performers in top hats and suspenders came to mind. Real-life memes have always freaked me out. Just like clowns. (Poltergeist snuffed all my would-be childhood clown joy.)

Once I realized what the heck blog memes were, I actually though they were a lame escape from having to write an actual post. Now I've lightened up and see them as not only an easy out from posting and having to come up with new material/topics, but also a way to reveal more weird and unusual facts about myself (narcissism check, please). Kind of like a seven layer warped personality dip that dries up and gets all crusty at the party appetizer table. Likely more than you'll ever want to know is what I hope to share.

How lame can one be to post about posting two memes LATER in the day?


At 5:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl, I used to be the meme Queen! I was tagged left and right, and now I'm finding some of the old meme's are coming back around! I've been tagged for the 6 weird things meme at least 10 times! I just got tagged today too!! Hahaha!

Keep em comin'!


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