Saturday, September 16, 2006

Interrupted Cabernet Sauvignon Night Cap

My bearded husband and our mutual best friend from high school are sprawled out on our avocado hued matching couches (I'm obsessed with describing the color of things) watching a Mad TV "peerless leader" Kim Jong il skit featuring side-splitting comic Bobby Lee. Per norm, I don't pay much attention to TV unless its a snobby educational PBS documentary. At least I freely admit my media snobbery.

I've just polished off my third glass of cabernet sauvignon. Solenne moments ago stumbled out of her room in a fuscia (see, I love color names) "'Lil Sis" T-shirt with frizzy bed head seeking mommy to soothe her back to sleep. I thought that was one of the many pacifying functions of her cherished pruney thumbs. Here she hobbles toward me again chirping, "I just wake up." Don't I know it. Major buzz kill but quite cute all the same.

Randomly notable: The CIA is recruiting agents via mainstream TV ads. One just aired on NBC4LA. How desperate is that? Should we run ads recruiting the next Commander-in-Chief too?


At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can I get ahold of you, other than posting directly to the website. Can you put your email address up.

You should check your email.

At 7:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm voting for robin williams. and not cause he is a comedian. but because his name is robin.


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