8 Centimeters Deluded
I birthed them in my bed, now I have to lie in it.
Friday, September 15, 2006
About Me
- Name: Domestic Slackstress
- Location: Fakewood, United States
I can't really say I'm a writer any longer; I'm more of a professional procrastinator. How 'bout poser writer? Need an excuse? I hatch them daily when I'm not busy wiping up my three heathens' snot and road raging them around our cookie cutter SoCal 'hood. The kids: The Lawyer, 6, Cheeks, 4, and Pigtails, 2.5. My Hubster would make a better mother than me, and I mean that in a good way. Pinkie swear, cross my heart, jab a hot poker in my eye or whatever it is my kids say before they cave and inform on each other.
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Ballsy Activist Mamas
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Be a Freak Like Me; Give Birth at Home
- Birth Ecology Project
- More Babies Prefer Home Birth
- Midwifery Today
- iVillage Article: Is Homebirth Safe?
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Wish I Had Time to Read
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- Mother Talkers
- Mamaphonic
- Violet
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- Mothering
- The Imperfect Parent
- MamaZINE
- HipMama
- Literary Mama
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